
Questions over questions #2

Another list of questions.

1.Why are you served juice and cookies after you donate blood?
So you're gonna go back again in a few days or because you need to replenish your fluids and raise your blood sugar,but I think it's the first one.

2.Why are you hungry an hour after eating Chinese food?
Because the effort to eat it with those chop-sticks consumes all your resources.

3.Why does spicy food make your nose run?
well it could be because it's...SPICY.
Spicy food makes me run...wait..that explains why Mexicans are always in a hurry.

4.What causes an ice cream headache?
I hate those brain freezes while I'm enjoin my Popsicle in a sunny day ...and...well..I think that maybe....it's because of the ice cream,it's just a suggestion or it could be because you know that the ice cream is gonna finish.

5.When are you tired?
I'm usually tired when I fall asleep with my head in fridge...either that or I'm drunk.

6.Bing hands, big_____?
There seems to be no evidence that hand size is related to the size of your package
and just so you know a small penis expands more than a big one during erection.

7.Does candle flame remove ear wax?
Of course it does,and if your trying candle flames,why not use a torch or a flame thrower.

8.What are hiccups , and how do you get rid of them?
Some things that irritate the diaphragm and cause hiccups are distention of the stomach from food, alcohol, or air, sudden changes in gastric temperature, or use of alcohol and/or tobacco in excess.
How to get rid of them:
a.Breathing into a paper bag.
c.Scaring the living shit out of that person.
f.Holding your breath.
d.Eating a teaspoon of sugar.
j.Sucking on a wedge of lime or lemon.
z.Pulling hard on your tongue.

9.Does warm milk really help you sleep?
Well it depend how much you drink,you could drink until you pass out,or a bottle of whiskey will surely do the trick.

10.Can you ignite your fart?
An average fart is composed of about 59 percent nitrogen, 21 percent hydrogen, 9 percent carbon dioxide, 7 percent methane, and 4 percent oxygen. Less than 1 percent of its makeup is what makes a fart stink.(can I hear an Amen?!)
And yes you can ignite a fart because it contains hydrogen and methane.But I suggest you don't try.

Check out the other post Question over Questions


LazyKing said...

Why am I sleepy an hour after I eat a double cheeseburger and a milkshake at mcdonalds??

Please tell me, lol

BlackSnow said...

@Lk who know what they put in them.