
How to get a girl's number and Blogging Award

The old just look at her until she give you her number doesn't work anymore,girls can see on Google strategies on how to get a number,so we always have to come up with new ways,an sometimes they just make fun of you...do you know how hard it is for me now?...wait..

The blogging award is just under the video.

So speaking of cookies,I've made a list of what to say and what you shouldn't say when you want a number.

1.It worked for me:
After a long conversation,with that girl,I forgot to take her number ,then after 3 days when I finally managed to talk with her...I forgot again,and on my way out I remembered,so I just went back and told her if I can have her number before I forget again.And I have her number.

2.Torture her until she gives you her number or tells you she doesn't have a phone...really effective ,but i haven't tried it...yet.

3.Or you could just ask for her number...but where would all the fun go?.

Won't work:

1.Don't be shy when you ask for the number because then she'll just make fun of you,or she'll give you the wrong number.

2.Don't lie about what you are just to get her number because then you'll probably get a number,but definitely not hers,and yo could be called after 2 days by some men which want to kill you.

3.Don't shut up,it would help if you would ask her what you want.

This could also work.

And if you're already bored of my blog...then visit Bored...Get Unbored or Treasure Soul or Rafael´s Fight Against a Mechanical Life because if you liked my blog,the you'll surely like their blog.

WARNING!I won't be held responsible for any injuries/deaths which occurred because of this post.teehee.

Sorry if I have a lot of spelling mistakes , but I was in a hurry when I wrote this post.


cybeel said...

ı cannot understanw women who give the fake number to a man. If you dont wanna give say it so. Why lying?

Flo said...

Because women are complicated beings... Nothing can be simple with them.

LazyKing said...

I have a story, you'll probably hate me after reading it.

Once a girl who liked me asked me my # but I didn't like her at all. She was kinda a stalker and the one wo wants to marry you after 1 date. So I told her that I don't have a phone (hahaa) but unfortunately ofr me my phone rang few minutes after that. I was BUSTED!.
She said: "ooh you do have a phone!!??"
and I told her "That's my mom phone!"

LazyKing said...

PS: the new blog style is cooler. Good job!

BlackSnow said...

@ LK lol,I hate stalkers,I would've do the same thing