
Are you bored?

I'm almost never bored because I can make anything interesting,and I have a vast imagination...sometime I'm scared by my imagination.
Do you have any idea how disgusting can things get in my mind sometimes?

Never mind,here's a list o thing I do when I'm bored.

-If I'm home I usually look on the internet for funny stuff,but considering my luck and sometimes when I'm bored I don't have internet...I like to draw,it doesn't matter if you have talent or not ,you can just laugh of what you've drawn.

-When I'm at the mountains when I get bored,that being all the time,I like to look at the sky and associate the clouds with animal,food or anything else,When I associate them with food I always see pancakes...I don't know why....who knows.

-When I walking...I like to count my steps or step only on specific places,probably you consider this one a bit strange.

-Or when I'm really bored I like to steal my brothers toys.

They see me rollin'
They hatin'
They tryin' to catch me ridin dirty.

1 comment:

LazyKing said...

great lists, I'll definitely try to associate the clouds with animals, lool