
I don't know

"I don't know" is the answer we give when we really don't know what to answer, when we don't want somebody to know something,when we're so bored that we can't think at an answer or we just like to make someone mad.

Examples of "I don't Know" answers:

-I don't know what I'm doing.

-I don't know who that woman was,I swear I didn't meet her yesterday,shit.

-I don't know how that weed grown in my pocket.

-I don't know where my homework is,I think my cat ate it.

-I don't know what to buy.(women use it a lot)

-Q:Have you seen my things?
A:Maybe,I don't know.
Q:(the guy who asked) Damn you!.

-I don't know what to do.

-I don't know what to do with my life.

And first of all I don't know why I wrote this post.

What "I don't know" answer do you always use?


Domirip said...

i don't know what to post on my blog.

Joyous said...

Hello~?! Hope you don't mind ima join your blog haha ^^

I don't know he love me or not.

That really give me a headache .....

BlackSnow said...

I don't mind

Felix said...

i don't know what to write