
How to avoid problems at school

I made this list,with what I heard and what I realized that I can do,of things that people can do to avoid problems at school.And I also have some tips about how to get good grades easy.

-First of all for example when you start high school,make a good impression,don't be a smart ass with your colleges and your head teacher.

-In the first days don't let anybody pick on you because then their gonna pick on you every day for the next 3 years.

-To get good grades easy you can help the teachers,with anything,if a teacher asks for help be the first one to go and help.

-If the teacher says something wrong,don't correct them,it's like the market rule but with teachers instead of customers "The teacher is always right.".Because if you correct the you might get a bad grade,it depends on the teacher.

-And the easiest way to avoid problems at school,well..just skip school not to many weeks because then your parents will find out,and sleeping in the park on a bench won't be cool.

-Oh,and before going to school don't drink milk and eat cherry's,which I did now, because the chemical reaction in your stomach won't be quite...pleasant,and you might sped your whole day on the toilet.But HEY! at least you won't go to school.

Other suggestions about how to avoid problems at school?


Domirip said...

I just hated school...

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I wonder what your maths teacher would say if he reads this... :-))

Anonymous said...

soooo angry!! and i know u btw!!