30 Reasons that make me proud to be a man..teenager,OK boy...but I'm still a man.
This is a list of 30 things than will make any man proud of himself,girls please don't fell offended.
15 Reasons for which you want to be a man:
1.We can eat a banana without somebody thing at stupid things.Well almost everybody.
2.For a week's vacation we need only one suitcase.
3.80% less time spent in the bathroom.
4.Our ass or cleavage isn't the judge during an interview.
5.We're rewarded for any intelligent thing we do.
6.Three pairs of shoes are enough.
8.A bride dress is around 2000$,to rent a wedding suit you need only 50$.
10.We can buy a condom without the pharmacist thinking how we look naked.
11.We can visit a friend without giving him a gift.
12.We don't care about others feelings.
13.Everything on our face has natural color.
14.We're ready for anything in 10 minutes.
15.We can watch how a mutant crush a fluffy dog in a movie.
15 Reasons why its wonderful to be a man:
1.We don't carry everywhere a purse full of crap.
2.If you're criticized at work you don't think that everybody hates you in secret.
3.None of your colleges isn't capable of making you cry.
4.We can wear a white T-shit in places where we could get wet.
5.We can participate at a belching contest without feeling bad because of what we'd done.
6.We go at toilets alone,not in pairs or in a group.
7.We don't have to clean the apartment/house every time somebody visits us.
8.We don't have to admire Bruce Willis,and the starve to death to look like him.
9.We know more than 20 ways to open a beer.
10.We can watch TV for hours with a friend without thinking "Is he mad at me?".
11.If somebody forgets to invite us at a special event he's still our friend.
12.If somebody goes at a party with the same blouse as ours,we still talk to that person.
13.We have Chuck Norris on our side.
14.Our telephonic conversations end in less than 60 seconds.
15.Luis Miguel, Ricky Martin, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt aren't part of our universe, their just a bunch of fags.