
What dreams do you have when you sleep?

All of us dream when we sleep,but usually in the morning we can't remember what we dreamed about,or sometimes we remember it so well that we think it really happened, scientists still didn't menage to fully understand the biologically purpose and content of dreams.

Well I had a lot of dreams,from fighting aliens on Mars to suddenly finding myself naked in class during a test.In my opinion these are the results of my imagination or things that stress me during the day.

The most common dreams which I'm sure everybody had are :
-When you're falling ,and when you're just about to hit the ground you wake up,I hate that dream;

-Or when you think you're drowning but you just have you're pillow over you're face;

-When you're flying;

-Situations relating to school,failing a exam or something like that;

-Another strange dream is when you're running from something in slow motion,or in a endless hall;

-Near-death experiences,scary;

-Once I dreamed I was running on a rainbow...that was more like a near-gay experience;

What kind of dreams do you have?


Nightmare_99 said...

Well my dreams are very cruel and odd. Im not a violent person in general but if you get me angry i kinda go off the deep end and lose control. When ever i lose control i always find walking away saves me from doing something distructive. My dreams consist of situations of when people said certain things to me and i havent done anything personally but in my head when i dream i think of the "brutal way" like getting up and punching them or grabbing a weapon and smashing their faces in. :P its kinda scary when your afraid of yourself. Thats why most of my friends hate that they have never seen me angry because they've seen the way i talk when im angry but they havent seen the action. So i like to keep those actions to my thoughts :D!

BlackSnow said...


Domirip said...

I had a crazy dream a couple of weeks ago.I always have crazy dreams.I like that.Anyway,the dream started with me running scared from a monster that later I found out that was an alien.I rushed from my local train station into a street and a car witout a driver almost hit me.I entered the car,but strangely and stupid I entered in the back seat (wtf?).
Suddenly Bruce Willis (yeah,I know,dont laugh) spoke to me in my native lanuage and told me that everythin was going to be ok and that he's here to save me (yeah,right).Anyway the rest of the dream was a stupid shootout between him and the "aliens",which I think were only scary but not dangerous.Funny anyway.