
Joke of the day

Once upon a time when sewage's weren't a "fashion" a lady from England wanted to visit Germany.She had reserved a room at a local hotel which was in the family.
Te lady was preoccupied by her future room,if it had a toilet (WC-Water Closet).

She wrote a letter to the manager of the hotel asking him if it has a WC.The manager wasn't so good at English so he asked the local priest what does WC means.

So after talking 2 hours about what could WC mean,they reached the conclusion that it meant Wayside Chapel (WC).

So they concluded that the lady wanted to know if the chapel is near or far away from the hotel.So the manager sent her the following answer.

" Dear Madame,

I can tell you with great pleasure that the WC is situated at 9 miles away from the hotel,with a capacity of 200 persons and it's opened only Thursdays and Sundays.

Because during the summer it's very crowded ,I suggest you come earlier,but even if you can't come earlier there is plenty of space for standing.

I know that this is a unpleasant situation if you're not used to walking a lot.

I can tell you something that could rise you're interest:
-It's the place where my daughter met her husband.And they got married in the same place,I remember how people used to fight for places,there were 10 people on a spot.

It was extraordinary to see the expressions on their faces.

-I think you would like to know that many people bring their lunch there and spend their whole afternoon there.

-the acoustics are very impressive ,the most delicate sound can be heard.
-the newest acquisition is the bell that ring when somebody enters.

My wife was sick so she wasn't able to go there.After a few days it's a year since she didn't go to the WC,thing which causes her a lot of pain.

It will be my pleasure to reserve a spot for you where everybody can see you,and it will e my pleasure to take you there.

Yours faithfully,
Hotel Manager. "

This post was realized with help from a friend "R@du 2Horses"

1 comment:

RafaRR said...

hahaha, awesome post, very funny.