
"Perfect " day

Everybody has a perfect day once in a while,unfortunately I have them to often.
Chapter 1: Yesterday the day started perfect 1 am ,I was at a friends party and it was ok,so I gues I didn't see it coming,when I got home at 3-4 am I realized that my project for the symposium isn't finished and I had only 3 hours to finish it.And this is how it starts.

Chapter 2: After I almost finished the poster and added one of the photographs,I took the previous day,I realized that it doesn't fit,neither the other 15 (to many for just a bad day),so I downloaded one from the internet,but at least I finished it.
After I finished I look at watch and it was 6:30 am,So I didn't have time to eat or pack some food,so I took some money with me.

Chapter 3: On my way there in the bus the controller caught me without a ticket,so i gave him money to leave me alone,there goes my food money,when I got there it was 8 am,
I still don't know why they told us to be there at 8 because the symposium started at 10 am .When it started I had the pleasure of knowing that I'm the last one who will present ,and of course I can't leave school,so I stood there from 10 am to half past 3 trying not to fall asleep,when finally it was my turn to present obviously I was to tired to do it so I didn't make such a good impression.And this is how the symposium ended.

Chapter 4:After the symposium I went to practice,being very tired I didn't score anything resulting push ups.
Before practice I still hadn't eaten anything.When I got home nothing in the fridge, nobody home.So to prevent other bad things to happen I went to sleep(the best decision I took that day).

If you had such a day leave comment with it.

1 comment:

Domirip said...

at least you didn't die!