
How to get high easy and cheap

You don't know what to do with your free time? You really want to get high but you don't have the cash for the crack? Alcohol isn't enough for you?

I have the answer to all your problems.

-You can easily get high by hitting the wall with your head and not only that you'll be high but you could also win a free trip to the loony bin.

-Drink pure alcohol that will sure take you in a another world in a few moments but your stomach and liver might not still be in this world the next day.But hey,what the hell?

-Climb a tree then you're really gonna be high,especially if you can't climb down.

-Start smoking everything you have in the kitchen until you find the perfect combination of ingredients.

-Go in the managers office (just for the lols) sit on his chair and starts spinning,the easiest way to get high.

-There's a medicine for women Tantum Rosa but if you drink it the medicine gives you a few hours of hallucinations.

But if you really have all the problems then you are person with a lot of issues and I don't recommend you follow advice from this post.


Bakkanekko said...

awwwhhh, This song just makes my day <333

Dutch Sugar Babe said...

I think I will go to the managers office. It sounds like fun. Lord that song 'because I got high' always makes me aggressive.