
Chinese zodiac

Chinese people have the coolest zodiac,although I can't get out of my mind the fact that they eat babies.The bastard...

Anyway, I just found out that In the Chinese zodiac I'm Monkey,and I totally agree with it ,it really characterizes me.

First of all I like bananas...which doesn't really have anything to do with that but I also like looking for flees in my hair...wait...damn it.


Curiosity - well there is a saying in Romania :"Curious people die fast",I proved it's wrong...although it brings you to near death experiences often.

Mischievousness - I do like making jokes ,and indeed sometimes people get pissed off...but it wouldn't be fun if they wouldn't get pissed.(P.S. I googled this word,to complicated)

Cleverness - Einstein Ain't got shit on me.

It says that when it comes to work,Monkey can do just about anything and their right, I adapt faster than an Indian.

As career I can be a scientist, engineer, stock market trader, air traffic controller, dealer, film director, jeweler and sales representative.

Probably they aren't referring at the same dealer I'm thinking off.As for air traffic controller...considering that I'm half Arab I don't think anybody is gonna hire me.

If I become a scientist I'll probably be the first man who invented the pocket nuclear device.

1 comment:

cybeel said...

"considering that I'm half Arab I don't think anybody is gonna hire me."
That's really perfect :)))))))