
Army Joke Day

1.At war with German's,a man spots a German soldier well armed,so he hides in a well.The German come near the well so the soldier hiding there thinks he should act like an echo.And so the German started:

G:Is some down there?
A:Is some down there?
G:I should go in the forest.
A:I should go in the forest.
G:But first I should throw a grenade.
A:But first you should go in the forest.

2.The officer from the recruiting center asks a young soldier.

O:What's wrong with your eye?
S:It an artificial eye,sir.
O:And whats is it made of?
S:It's made out of glass,sir.
O:Ohh ...well of course you have to see thorough it.

3.The general asks:
G:Soldier,what do you have to do when you hear the commend:"Volunteers make one step forward"?
S:I step aside so that the volunteers can step forward,sir.

4.The Sargent asks a soldier:
Sarge:Tell me soldier,why isn't it allowed to smoke inside the base?
S:You're perfectly right,why isn't it....?

5.The Sargent a bit nearsighted said:
Sarge:Attention!This goes for you too,the one with the red cap from the back.
S:Sir,that's a hydrant.
Sarge:He can be what he want's,here even those who finished high school must obey.


Ice Queen said...

Good point, why isn't it?? Haha

Dutch Sugar Babe said...

Hahahaaaa... The first one is my favorite ;)

cybeel said...

Number 4, perfect!
He has a right to ask it, doesnt he?

Anonymous said...

Nice story as for me. It would be great to read more concerning this theme.
BTW look at the design I've made myself A level escort