Since school starts tomorrow I decided to make this post with nasty facts.
1.If you don’t brush plaque off your teeth,it hardens into a substance called tartar which is like cement and impossible to remove with your toothbrush.
I believe those are called teeth grills and a lot of rapper have those.
2.To save space, 98 percent of dead Japanese people are cremated rather than buried.
Well considering how many they are they would need bunk cemeteries,so I guess it's easier to fry them.Who know?Maybe they send them a restaurant.Maybe they taste like chicken.
3.If you try to stop yourself from throwing up by closing your mouth, the vomit will just come out of your nose.
But what happens if we hold our nose too?
4.People in ancient China ate mice as a delicacy.
Now they moved on to dogs,cats and rats.
5.Cockroaches taste through their feet.
I wouldn't wish to be a cockroach if I stepped in shit.
6.A cockroach can live for a week after its head is cut off.
A mother in law doesn't die if you poison her,shoot her,cut her head of put her in a a plastic bag and throw her in the ocean.Scientifically tested.
7.In 1740, a cow found guilty of witchcraft was hanged.
"The cow made yogurt instead of milk,it's a witch I tell you."
8.There are 100 million times more insects than people on earth and their total weight is 12 times the total weight of people.
Don't these people have anything else to do ,you know stay with they family,grow a plant anything else besides calculating how may insects we have on this planet.