
Signs that you're talking with a stupid person

Until now I met a lot of stupid people,so I can easily see whether I'm talking with somebody or I'm just discussing politics with a vegetable.I'm not a genius planet,but some people are really stupid.

1.When you make fun of them,they they say:
"You're just making fun of me..."
you say :
"No,I'm not...I swear."
they say:

-When you discuss something serious with them,they look very lost,trying to understand the fundamentals of the universe and what the fuck you're saying.

-When the only answer you her from them is "yes" or "I agree".Now you see the similarities between stupid people and politicians?

-Their gonna do about anything you tell them.

-When that person talks a lot and you don't understand anything.Again do you see the similarities between stupid people and politicians?

-When they try to use very complicated words and end up saying funny stuff.
"As Medulla oblongata influences our tintinnabulation which is quintessential we reached the conclusion that cookies are good...AAA...God Bless America!"

-When you have the sensation that you're talking with a tree.

-Always have a dumb impression on their face.

Inspired by the best.:D


Ice Queen said...

Sensation of talking to a tree! Haha. I've had conversations when I've caught myself wishing it was a tree I was talking to! Haha

Dutch Sugar Babe said...

Stupid people are everywhere. But it is funny to let them do stupid things. At least it was when I was younger. Now I just want them to go away.

Anonymous said...

"-Their gonna do about anything you tell them."

Another sign of a stupid person is spelling the word "they're" wrong.

Anonymous said...

Stupid people also confuse the word impression with expression.

Anonymous said...

Stupidity is a disease and vaccines should be given to those infected as soon as possible.