
Only in Romania part 2

When I thought about my country I said it's bad,but after I thought more about it I realized that it sucks.BIG TIME!

Yesterday,while I was watching the news,I saw something very interesting and in the same time really stupid. A group of thieves which robbed a lot of places got caught and sent to jail.OK.But after 30 days they were released and right after they were out they started robbing again.They were caught again...and released the next day..now they stole again and got caught again.Probably they'll be released soon.
I can't manege to understand the stupidity of this country how can you release somebody after he robbed places,got caught,released and started to rob again.That's just stupid.Funny though,but in a sad way.

In Romania people are very religious...some of them are so religious that they feel forced to have a 3kg cross hanging on their necks.Maybe they want feel what Jesus felt when he carried the cross on his back.

But the funniest thing you'll ever see in Romania are the people wearing clothes from "famous brands" such as Gigolo Armani ,D&C ,Mike or GGuci...or the fake ass rappers which dress like 50 Pesos and pretend that they grew up in the hood with bitches and Bling Blings.

Mr.T ain't got shit on this guy.


cybeel said...

Yeah you're right.
Sometimes police act like those thieves arent but we're guilty for letting them into our house.
Very unfair and like you i don't ever understant that either!

Dutch Sugar Babe said...

Wow, that guy sure looks cool ;)
It's a miracle that he can stand upright.

Letting thieves do there thing is not right, by the way. Lock those fools up already!

Thank you for stopping by my blog!
See you later...

Anonymous said...

this foto is from the meeting of the bulgarian mafia on balcani...that s bulgarian guy..not romanian..read mcmafia by misha glenny ...fucking imbecil!!!

Anonymous said...

it`s not copletely true! those police officers are now cell-mates with those guys!
In Romania, only the gypsy wear that kind of clothes, and you can recognise them after the way they look and the things they do(they`re brown, they wear white all the time, they listen to crappy music called "manele" etc). Most of the Romanian people hate them, and there are many groups that beat them in the middle of the street(which is good, i think) because they not obey the rules in Romania and any other country! I know all of this because I am Romanian(sorry if I made some mistakes). We hate the gypsy and we want them to die in horrible pain! Please, if you see a gypsy on the street, make sure they are gypsy before killing them, because not all Romanians are gypsy!

Anonymous said...

you know nothing about romania ...fucking idiot!!!

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