
10 questions that scientists can't answer

See? Nobody's perfect.

1.Is Fido a zombie?
Well...first of all who the fuck is Fido...it sounds like a dogs name.Mmmm... maybe it's a dog zombie or something like that.It just comes out of the grade and shits in your backyard at night.

2.Why is time so weird?
Why are people so weird?Why does my food smell weird?

3.Can i live forever please?
This one is easy:Just put your brain in a jar and connect it on a animal ... I've seen it in a reality show...or was it cartoon? Who cares?

4.What are we going to do with the stupid?
Were going to pass it over from generation to generation.

5.What is the dark side?
The side where it's dark.

6.Is the universe alive?
Poke it with a stick and see.

7.Are you the same person you were a minute ago?
Well it depends you could be a rich and happy man now and after a minute you could be in debt and hunted by the mafia.So no you're not the same person you were a minute before.

8.Why are we all so fat... and does it really matter?
Are they serious?No really?

9.Can we really be sure the paranormal is bunkum?
Yes.You ain't gonna see ghost or other shit unless you take aboard a few beers and some absint.

10.What is reality, really?
Well reality is...debt,pain,unhappiness,stupid politicians and a lot of people without anything...yep that's all of it...I think.

It wasn't so though answering those questions,wasn't it?


cybeel said...


LazyKing said...

too many questions for my lazy brain to answer.

Ice Queen said...

I was just reminded of pet cemetery with the mention of Fido the zombie dog. Maybe he can be in the movies.